
Crossword puzzle generator algorithm
Crossword puzzle generator algorithm

crossword puzzle generator algorithm

This sounds like a lot of extra work for the algorithm, and it is, but the time saved is more than worth it. The first optimization was to keep track of the number of possible words that could fit in each slot of the crossword, and stop searching a branch of the tree if any of the numbers of possibilities dropped to zero.With enough time, this algorithm will generate a valid filling of the grid however, it takes hours or days to work, and so it must be optimized. Then, just repeat with each of the newly generated grids. For each word that fits in the slot, another partially-filled grid is generated. Then, somehow pick a slot to fill with a word. The algorithm can be thought of as a tree search where the root of the tree represents an empty grid.

crossword puzzle generator algorithm

Trying to fill a crossword grid by brute-force is nearly impossible. Step two, filling the grid with words, is the most complicated step. Since crossword grids must be rotationally symmetric, it only generates half of it and fills in the rest using the first half.

#Crossword puzzle generator algorithm code#

At the moment my code takes an empty grid, adds 1-2 rows and columns extending inwards from the sides, and fills the middle randomly. Step one, generating the grid, is fairly simple. To make a different puzzle available on my website each day, I began using the web framework Flask so I could do that in Python code.

crossword puzzle generator algorithm

This program generates crossword puzzles using a three step process: first, generate the grid second, fill the grid with words and third, clue the filled grid. A program that generates crossword puzzles Try today's puzzle! Overview

Crossword puzzle generator algorithm